1:1 Monthly Container

Deep 1:1 Work, With Daily Support, Coaching, & Guidance


For those women/ women identifying/ LGBTQ+ assigned female at birth humans who have been doing their inner work for some time, and now want to go much deeper in one or two aspects in their life.

These aspects could be one or more of the following:

A particular trauma piece to resolve that you're unable to figure out or resolve yourself despite working with it for a while.

A specific relationship you want to shift/ heal, especially, if there's a rift in a relationship, or a relationship loss due to breakup/ divorce/ death, or you want a loving relationship and are struggling to open yourself up to it or aren't able to find it. 

A mental disorder diagnosis (specifically, ADHD, BPD, other Anxiety-related disorders, Mood disorders) you may have received, and that hasn't fully been resolved the mainstream way - psychiatry/ therapy.

A particular goal on setting up your vision & path forward for what you want to do work-wise, especially a career shift or starting out on your own towards your calling/ passion/ etc.

What happens in the monthly container?

We work together for a month at a time in an intensive monthly container with tons of support and set goals for the month:

Weekly Calls

We have 4 1:1 60-75 min calls, spread across 4 weeks.

daily intention setting

Every morning you send your intentions for the day to me. 

Daily Reflections

You send in your day's Reflections, Questions, & Doubts at the end of the day. 

Daily Planning & Support

You get support on a daily basis with your planning, accountability, and feedback.

Highly customized

Customized body-based, energy-based, parts-based, and ancestors-based work. 

Container closing

At the end of the month we review and decide the best ways to move forward.  

I've seen these Monthly Intensives work beautifully - so much more depth & acceleration because of the daily nature of this process 💜

If this is something you'd like to explore, please fill in the application through the button below, and keep in mind:

 - These spots are limited.

- I only work with 5 people per month.

- This is an application only space.

- This 1:1 Monthly Intensive is currently offered at tiered pricing based on the country you're currently residing in:
a. For Emerging Market and Developing Economies: US$500
b. For Advanced Economies: US$1000

P.S. Find out HERE whether your country comes under advanced or emerging economy.


An Inner Work Guide, Shobhali works at the nexus of coaching, therapeutic modalities, & spirituality. A Psychology (Hons) graduate, a trained life & professional coach, a certified yoga teacher in the Sivananda lineage, and a diploma with an ongoing master's in Nalanda Buddhist Philosophy & Psychology, she's trauma-informed and trained in multiple therapeutic modalities, and engages in deep spiritual practice through guided and self-led retreats, long fasts, and daily integrated self-work. Shobhali truly believes our mental, emotional, and relational struggles to be a skill gap - of emotional, relational, and life skills. She also believes everyone can learn these skills to lead a happy, meaningful, and fulfilling life.